Access top talent today
It's free and easy to get started.

Move to the cloud... Get rid of the friction
Why use traditional consulting companies that are still operating on outdated processes? This causes friction which hinders the hiring process and increases the costs.

Let us help eliminate the guesswork
Tired of reviewing a myriad of embellished resumes? Cloudteam qualifies applicants through its proprietary scoring system. We list the candidates based on how well they meet your needs.

Check and balances
We create a competitive environment in which candidates see how well they stack up against other applicants.
What makes us stand out from other consulting companies?

Free to use!
We don’t charge for posting jobs, searching or qualifying candidates! Just activate your account and you’re ready to go.

Consulting tracking? No problem.
Our procurement center makes it easy to track contract expirations and renewals, timesheets and budgets.

Awesome service.
Our goal is service excellence! We don’t hide behind our website, afraid of interacting with customers. Our Customer Service Representatives and Account Managers are ready to help.

Let us worry about bench time.
The only bench time we want is when you want it! We take the uncertainty out of bench time and start the marketing process before the contract ends.