To gain a greater understanding of applicable experience to my degree and work to enhance abilities in a field related to computer operations
Dubai Study Abroad (Summer 2017)
- Explored the culture and language of Dubai. Interacted with natives, learned about the culture and religion, and practiced elementary levels of Arabic.
Theta Phi Alpha Sorority (Nov 2016 to Dec 2018)
- Secretary (Spring 2018 – Fall 2018): coordinate reports, ensure deadlines are met, actively track records and meetings’ minutes, & plan all calendar events.
- Philanthropy Chair (Spring 2017 – Spring 2018): coordinate all local charity and community service for the organization including a week-long event.
- Race Liaison (Spring 2017 – Fall 2018): coordinate all race shifts and transportation for girls working, conduct all training seminars, communicate between shifts leads and directors of hospitality, calculate finances, and distribute funds.
ERAU Cheerleading (Aug 2014 to May 2019)
- Currently serving as a captain on the team and achieved over 5 years of conditioned training, teamwork, and leadership. Began with competitive aspects introduced in competitions throughout the country and later continued to present in collegiate aspect.
AIS Receiver Project (Sept 2018 to Apr 2019)
- Actively preparing and planning budgetary needs as well as compiling and testing both PERL and Python codes for the Automatic Identity System for maritime activities.
Geographic Information Systems Presentation (Spring 2019)
- Presented an informational session on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and their impact on the cyberwarfare frontier.
- Responsible for Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) analysis and the importance of GIS in combat.
- Useful Skills: Ability to work in high-pressure scenarios effectively, adaptability to new technologies and concepts, flexibility, capability to understand virtual machine processors and software, dependability in group work, and excitability when taking initiative.
- Software Experience: Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Matlab, CATIA, ArcMap GIS 10, Python (Intermediate), C++ (Intermediate), Java (Elementary)
- Spoken Languages: Spanish (Intermediate), Arabic (Elementary)