Senior DevOps and Systems Engineer with 20 years experience in IT Infrastructure to include AWS, GCP, Kubernetes, Swarm and local server clusters hardware support and network security.
A motivational team leader with the ability to align cross-functional teams with business objectives to achieve key metrics.
Implemented SonarQube for 30 Java micro services, in support of 4 programs at GE Healthcare with Artifactory, Jenkins and SVN
Managed and automated Jenkins, Sonarqube, Coverity, MongoDB, Scalr, Docker.
Managed clients servers, databases, server clusters, application monitoring, server monitoring, network monitoring through deployments, shell scripts, monitoring and patching.
Managed large corporate IT infrastructure upgrades with thousands of laptops rollouts, hundreds of virtual and physical servers.
Worked as an Infrastructure Architect January 1996 to December 2001.
9 years of Linux / Windows / OSX experience.